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Website Case Study: Oakes Lyman
Oakes Lyman are serial entrepreneurs who continuously build high-value medical businesses in alliance with the owners of outstanding medical inventions. One of their goals is to focus the technology to address substantial unmet medical needs. Regulated and authorized by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), they continue to generate exceptional returns for technology inventors and shape the future of healthcare operations.
We have always loved working with Oakes Lyman over the years. Known for being a reputable company they are today, the challenge was to illustrate their expertise and experience in investment banking over the years. The key components were to tell who they are, what they do and how they do it. Clearly, a need to establish their online presence from scratch will be exciting.

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Our Approach
Behind the scenes, our task has been to quickly deliver a look and feel to keep pace with their branding. Oakes Lyman needs a functional site that has the ability to capture leads and make the browsing experience like a breeze.
A landing page with the image of Vitruve Man is a must. We have rendered a large homepage banner matching their color scheme.
The website navigation was divided into five sections namely About Us, Working With Us, Oakes Lyman Team, Portfolio and Contact Us. We have used Blank Module extension across the website to display their portfolio as a side widget.