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How Managed IT Services Are Shaping the Future of Support

Managed IT Services

Organisations, both large and small, are facing various challenges in today’s business landscape: there’s the rising complexity of cloud environments, rapidly advancing technology solutions, the perennial cybersecurity threat, tightening compliance requirements, expanding remote workforce, and more. It’s not surprising that more businesses are turning to managed IT services, with SMEs allocating about 19% of their budget to managed IT services.

Having a managed services provider (MSP) handle IT services indicates a significant shift in how SMEs are handling business operations. Not only do companies get to cut IT costs by 25 to 35%, they also realise a 45 to 65% increase in operational efficiency.

If your organisation is still on the fence about acquiring the services of MSPs, outsourcing your IT support can be a good start. In this blog post, we explore how managed IT services are paving the way for effective, scalable, and readily-available tech support services.

What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services

Managed IT services refer to the practice of  outsourcing the management of an enterprise’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems to a third-party provider known as a managed service provider.  Companies can leave the handling of day-to-day IT needs to MSPs, allowing them to focus on their core operations. Managed IT providers offer a wide range of IT solutions including network management, cybersecurity, cloud services, data backup and recovery, IT support and help desk, and others.

How IT Support Has Evolved

Traditional IT Support

Traditional IT Support

Traditionally, organisations primarily relied on their in-house IT teams to manage all aspects of their technology needs. These tech teams were responsible for maintaining hardware, software, and networks, as well as addressing emergent IT issues. Smaller businesses that could not maintain several IT staff on their roster acquired the services of IT professionals to resolve problems as needed.

Whether with an IT team or a hired tech professional, IT issues were usually addressed only after they had caused disruption—a model known as break/fix. While this practice was effective up to a certain point, it had some major drawbacks such as high costs, limited expertise, and reactive problem-solving which caused business disruptions.

Shift to IT Managed Services

Shift to IT Managed Services

As organisational demands grew and technology advanced, it became apparent that conventional IT support practices would no longer suffice. Companies sought more efficient and proactive solutions, marking the transition to managed IT services where companies outsourced IT operations to specialised managed service providers.

By shifting to managed IT support, enterprises of any size are able to address their IT needs better and more proactively, meet and exceed customer expectations, and, with employees focused on core competencies and business objectives, pursue excellence and innovation.

Benefits of Managed IT Support

Let’s expound on the advantages of utilising managed IT services for IT support.

Cost Efficiency

Cost Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of managed IT services is cost efficiency. Traditional in-house IT support often involves significant expenses, including salaries for full-time IT staff, costs for continuous training, and the purchase and maintenance of hardware and software. Managed IT services, on the other hand, offer a more predictable cost structure—typically through fixed monthly or annual fees—allowing companies to budget more effectively.

Managed services also help reduce downtime, which can cause significant negative financial impact. System downtime not only affects productivity but can also lead to lost revenue and damaged customer relationships. MSP services minimise the likelihood of system failures with proactive monitoring and quickly address any issues that do arise.

Expertise and Access to Latest Technology

Latest Technology

Managed IT services provide organisations with access to a broad range of specialised skills and the latest technological advancements. Such comprehensive expertise can be both challenging and costly with an in-house IT team. MSPs however, employ experts in various fields, ensuring that you receive high-quality support across all aspects of your IT infrastructure. Additionally, many third-party providers invest in cutting-edge tools and technologies that may be too costly or complex for you to implement on your own.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and Flexibility

Managed IT services offer significant scalability and flexibility, meaning enterprises can adjust their IT support according to their needs. This is particularly beneficial for growing organisations or those with fluctuating demands. For example, a company experiencing rapid growth can quickly scale up its IT services to support an expanding workforce or increased customer base. Conversely, you can scale back services during temporary downturns or seasonal variations.

This flexibility may extend to the range of services provided. MSPs offer customisable service packages that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether your company requires comprehensive IT management or support for specific areas like cybersecurity or data backup, managed IT services can be adapted to fit those needs.

Proactive Support and Maintenance

Proactive Support

A key advantage of managed IT services is the shift from a reactive to a proactive approach to IT support. As discussed earlier, traditional IT support addresses issues only after they have caused disruptions, which may lead to downtime and productivity losses.

In contrast, managed IT services focus on proactive maintenance by using advanced monitoring tools to continuously oversee IT systems. This helps identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. An MSP’s proactive approach also includes regular maintenance, updates, and patches to keep systems running smoothly and securely.

Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

Cybersecurity is a top concern for enterprises today. MSPs implement robust security measures to protect data and systems from cyber threats. Managed IT services provide enhanced cybersecurity measures to protect your organisation by performing continuous monitoring, using comprehensive security solutions, and deploying advanced threat detection and incident response tools.

The Future of IT Support

Future of IT Support

No doubt, managed IT services are  shaping the future of IT support. These services offer their IT expertise so you can focus on what you do best to grow your business. There’s no time like the present to partner with a trusted managed IT service provider. Talk to one today.

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