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Cost-Effective IT Solutions: 5 Financial Benefits of MSPs for Businesses

Cost Effective IT Solutions

Given the advanced IT solutions that are available to enterprises today, there’s no question that the business landscape is evolving—and fast. Technology is the driving force behind these rapid changes and if companies are not prudent enough, the influx of different tech tools can drive up IT spending without the anticipated benefits. One way of making your tech solutions work for you in ways that can create a real impact on your bottom line is to engage the services of a managed services provider or MSP.

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1617 Hits

HTL's Successful Visit To The Business Show This November

HTL's successful visit to the Business Show this November

HTL Support is always working towards improving the service offered to clients. Whether it's through our specialist IT knowledge or just the way in which we interact with customers, there are always lessons to be learned. One of the best ways we find to hone our skills is to get out there and meet clients face to face.

One such opportunity to do that very thing, which we like to make the most of whenever possible, is to visit industry shows. This is exactly what we did on the 16th and 17th of May this year when we visited the Business Show!

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2169 Hits

Top 10 UK Industries That Can Benefit from Big Data

Top 10 UK Industries That Can Benefit fFrom Big Data

Certain UK industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications, retail, and others who collect large volumes of data, have the potential to reap substantial benefits from Big Data analytics projects. If you really think about it, almost all industries accumulate huge amounts of data. And so it follows that practically all industries can potentially benefit.

We can’t feature every single industry here, or at least, in a single post. So, for now, let’s just focus on these 10 industries and provide brief examples or ideas on how these industries can take advantage of this relatively new trend:

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  3378 Hits
3378 Hits

How Accountants Improve Productivity With Cloud Services

How Accountants Improve Productivity With Cloud Services

What if your firm was asked to improve productivity by 5% this year? To achieve that level of productivity improvement, you need to know all of your options. Improving your technology capabilities by adopting cloud services is one of the best ways to improve your productivity as an accountant.

What Are Cloud Services?

Let’s take a moment to define our terms before continuing further.

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  4032 Hits
4032 Hits

7 Ways Cloud Computing Will Make You a Better Accountant

7 Ways Cloud Computing Will Make You a Better Accountant

Benefits of Adopting Cloud Technology for Accounting Firms

‘’Cloud Computing’’ could be akin to a tech buzzword that has been around for years. However, unless they have been living under a digital rock, accounting firms will be aware that cloud computing has finally moved from just another buzzword to a real tool for businesses.

According to a report by Intuit, almost 80 percent of U.S. small businesses will be fully adapted to cloud computing by 2020 with an increasing number of respondents currently using it or planning to within the next two years.

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  4421 Hits
4421 Hits

The Value of an IT Firm That Understands Regulation in Your Sector

Value of IT firm that understands regulation in your sector

An increased compliance burden

The issue of increased regulation is a challenge to many businesses. The regulatory burden has been increasing; indeed, in stark contrast with the public sector slashing budgets, the powers and capability of quango executive agencies seem to have expanded.

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  3256 Hits
3256 Hits

3 Reasons Recruiters Do It Better in the Cloud

3 reasons recruiters do it better in the cloud

Flexible, secure and cost effective: What are you waiting for?!

Businesses of all types are able to benefit from cloud computing. However, some of the advantages lend themselves particularly well to certain aspects which characterise the recruitment sector. They simply map on to the needs of the recruitment business much better than an on-premise approach to provisioning technology for a recruitment business. Here, we outline three of them.

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  4125 Hits
4125 Hits

Why Moving to the Cloud Matters for the Recruitment Sector

Cloud computing for Recruitment Sector

Renewed emphasis on cost control for recruiters

The difficult few years that followed the credit crunch meant the recruitment sector had to endure some tough times. Reduced hiring and increased candidate numbers as headcount were trimmed made the sector one of the first to be hit. When it’s a buyer’s market, clients bargain hard and squeeze margins. But that’s business and you know you would if things were the other way round!

The recession drove many recruiters to re-evaluate their systems and processes. Cloud and online technologies offered the opportunity to cut costs, improve efficiency and gain competitive advantage. Specialised line-of-business applications for the recruitment sector, often integrating software automation functionality, transformed the back and front office for many.

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  4617 Hits
4617 Hits

How to Get a New IT System for Zero CAPEX!

Zero CAPEX for new IT System

CAPEX no longer an immovable object

When it comes to new infrastructure, capital investment has long been seen as an immovable object. Whether it is transport, utilities or IT, taking a conventional approach to infrastructure requires CAPEX. This brings with it the often tricky question of financing.

Recent years have seen the phenomenal growth of cloud computing. The cloud really took off when the credit crunch strangled the supply of capital. This led those that needed to replace obsolete and legacy IT systems to turn to innovative cloud solutions which require little or no capital funding. The business model includes payment by monthly subscription, effectively shifting IT from the CAPEX to the OPEX budget.

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  7844 Hits
7844 Hits

13 Ways HTL Supports Practice and Helps the Accountancy Profession Obtain More Value from Technology

Exemplary support for the compliance mission in the finance sector

13 ways Serviced Cloud supports practice of Accountancy Profession

Businesses operating in regulated sectors need access to technology that supports the compliance mission. When it comes to Professional Services organisations, technology and service providers need to be exemplary in helping to discharge regulatory obligations. Here we highlight how HTL Support provides the solutions to help accountancy firms get the best from technology while meeting compliance and following best practice.

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  4631 Hits
4631 Hits