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Third Party Maintenance: What is It and Why is It Important?

Third Party Maintenance

Today more than ever, enterprises need to invest in a computing infrastructure that can ably secure data and other high-risk assets, keep applications and workloads running, and in general, ensure maximum operational efficiency. Part of the upkeep needed for IT infrastructure and data center hardware is equipment maintenance.

For servers, routers, and other storage and networking equipment that are 3 years old at most, technical support can be easily had from the devices’ original equipment manufacturers (OEM) such as HPE, IBM, Dell EMC, NetApp, Cisco, and other mainstream suppliers. However, for organisations needing to maintain older equipment and/or a disparate collection of devices, third-party maintenance (TPM) services would prove to be a more feasible alternative.

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2975 Hits

Data Center Migration: Which Type is Right For You?

Data Center Migration

As organisations evolve, so do their IT infrastructure needs. Whether it’s due to organisational expansion (merger/acquisition), launching of a new application, physical relocation of a company, the need for faster connectivity, or any other reason, it may come to a point when the enterprise’s current data solutions will no longer suffice. This is when a data center migration would have to be seriously considered.

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3 Important Considerations For Your Cybersecurity Budget

Cybersecurity Budget

While every business has its own unique operational requirements, it’s common for finance managers to try to save on costs and slash budgets in whichever area they can. This should not be the case for an organisation’s cybersecurity budget, though. If anything, companies should be spending for security based on an in-depth assessment of needs, rather than simply throwing in cyber security solutions to fit into a fixed budget.

In this post, we look at three key points that companies should take into account when building the framework for IT security spending.

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Why Managed Services? Top Reasons Businesses Turn to MSPs

Now more than ever, business organisations are using technology for a variety of reasons: maintaining operational efficiency, keeping cybersecurity threats at bay, harnessing the value of data, adapting to the evolving workforce, and many more. This means that companies have to ensure that their IT systems and equipment are working as they should at all times.

As technology requirements grow however, the task of keeping everything together—from IT infrastructure to applications to end user devices, is challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises. Most businesses barely have the budget for a dedicated tech personnel, let alone an entire IT team. The good thing is that even if you don’t have a dedicated IT department, you can benefit from the technical expertise and services of one with the help of a managed service provider.

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2948 Hits

What is ITAD? A Guide to Responsible IT Asset Disposition

What is ITAD

As the world moves further along the digital age, enterprises need to include in their long-term planning the impact of acquiring tons and tons of electronics and how they are going to dispose of these later on. This is essential for every organisation because consumers today have become more mindful of the ethical practices of businesses, particularly those that relate to society and the environment. If you’re a company that endeavors to make corporate social responsibility (CSR) part of your business practices, then you need a solid plan for retiring IT equipment.

In 2019 alone, a whopping 53.6 million tons of e-waste were generated worldwide and only 17% of that got recycled. That was 3 years ago and the numbers just keep rising every year. If we are to combat the environmental effects that technology waste brings about, every enterprise should have a well-thought-out ITAD plan. But first, what is ITAD?

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3880 Hits

Understanding and Preparing for End-of-Service Life (EOSL)

End of Software Life

With the speed with which technology evolves these days, IT hardware is phased out much faster than organisations would prefer. Servers, routers, and console managers—all part of a data center’s infrastructure, need to be working efficiently at all times to ensure continued business operations.

No equipment is expected to last forever, though. Regardless of how good the quality of your equipment is, how diligently you’ve maintained it with IT support London services (for UK-based enterprises), or how well it fits with the rest of your network, there will come a time when your device will reach this stage of its IT lifecycle—the End-of-Service Life (EOSL).

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6424 Hits

What is Dark Data? Learn Its Uses and Challenges

Dark Data

To the uninitiated, the term dark data may evoke images of mysterious stores of data tucked away in an obscure location—hopefully, distant enough from your company’s hard drives so that they are no threat to online security. The reality however, is that there’s nothing ominous at all about dark data, it’s closer to you than you think, and more importantly, it can even bring value to your business when used right.

In this article, we define what dark data is and where it comes from, discuss ways to harness the value that it holds, and understand the challenges that may come with its management.

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3358 Hits

OEM vs TPM: Choosing the Right Support for Your Business


IT infrastructure, technology hardware, and data centers are playing a huge role in the current business landscape, and now form part of the key capital investments that companies allocate substantial budgets for. As such, businesses are looking to maximise on their techn investments and wish to extend the life of their hardware pieces for as long as possible.

When it comes to servicing and maintaining data center products and IT equipment, businesses have 3 choices: stick to maintenance contracts of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), partner with Third Party Maintenance (TPM) providers, or adopt a combination of both. In this post, we learn more about the difference between OEM and TPM, and evaluate which option could offer better IT support London services for data center equipment.

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5530 Hits

How to Provide Efficient Business-As-Usual IT Support

Business as Usual IT Support

Business as usual. A term that denotes the humdrum of everyday life, and in the case of businesses, of a usual workload. Despite the connotation of an unexciting, rather mundane routine, if corporate leaders and office managers would really think about it; processes, systems, and the workplace doing business as usual is an ideal state because this means that operations are running smoothly.

More often than not however, business operations require a lot of time and resources, and it’s difficult to ensure that things are working seamlessly at all times. In the UK for instance, inhouse IT staff and IT support London teams are relied on to carry out everyday technology-related tasks that allow operations to continue without disruptions.

Now post-pandemic, as the world moves on adjusting to what is now the new normal—a state where enterprises are highly-reliant on technology, the demands on the IT organisation have become even heavier.

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3952 Hits

5 Tips to Better Data Centre Management

Data Centre Management

Data has become a highly-prized asset in today’s business environment, and the data centres that store all the valuable information have thus, moved far past being mere storage facilities to becoming key business resources. Managing and maintaining a data centre however, is a multifaceted process that requires the right people, skills, and tools.

What makes managing a data centre more complex is the fact that the modern version of it is no longer just the rows of neatly-stacked on-premise IT infrastructure as they are often represented in stock images. Instead, the data centre now has extended beyond traditional boundaries and could be spread across multiple physical sites, colocations, and the cloud.

In this post, we discuss five key best practices that data centre administrators can implement to ensure that their IT infrastructure is operating at peak efficiency.

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2244 Hits