An IT Support Blog from London

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How To Protect Your Web Apps From Hackers

How To Protect Your Web Apps From Hackers

Readers of this blog will be intimately familiar with the way technology delivery has changed over the years. Locally-hosted server racks are history. Instead, companies rely on cloud vendors large and small to deliver essential business services via web apps – or software as a service (SaaS).

Web apps, however, bring a whole new challenge to cyber security solutions. In this article, we outline why web app security matters and what your company can do to ensure that the web apps it uses remain secure.

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2288 Hits

The Growing Demand For Remote Work and How To Meet It When It Comes To Your Organisation

Growing Demand For Remote Work

Advances in technology and the mindset shift of today’s generation of workers are causing businesses to rethink their approach to employee productivity. Add to that the challenges brought on by the current pandemic and you’ve got a workplace that is markedly different from what it was years ago. In this post, we discuss how remote work is changing the workplace, and what this means for your company.

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2916 Hits

How To Choose The IT Support Company That Matches Your Appetite For Business

How To Choose The IT Support Company That Matches Your Appetite For Business

Growing businesses need IT support even more than established companies – after all, setting the right IT in place during a period of growth will help support growth and ensures that your business does not end up held back by creaky tech infrastructure.

But not all IT support companies are equally good at providing tech support to growth-hungry companies. In this article, we outline a few key points growing businesses should look out for when choosing an IT support partner.

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  2810 Hits
2810 Hits

How to Deal With Software End-of-Life (EOL)

How to Deal With Software End-of-Life

Much as companies would like to use their devices and equipment for decades, sadly there’s an end for everything. Well not all perhaps, but at least for the programs and applications that are installed in workstations of organisations, the end may come sooner than anticipated. And enterprises must be prepared for this.

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  11314 Hits
11314 Hits

Remote Working Is the Future – Can Your Business Keep Up?

Remote work is the future

We’re heading towards the end of the year and it’s becoming crystal-clear that remote working is going to be much more common in the medium and long term. The British Council for Offices suggests, for example, that most office workers do not think that they are going to return to the established pattern of five days in the office.

One novel aspect of the COVID emergency earlier this year was that many businesses were able to continue operating with relatively little disruption due to the wide range of accessible remote working tools on the market. However, facilitating remote working in an emergency is one thing: established, persistent remote working is another matter altogether.

In this article, we outline five key considerations to ensure that your staff can work remotely in a sustainable, competitive, and secure way.

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  2944 Hits
2944 Hits

The Real Consequences of Poor IT Support

The Real Consequences of Poor IT Support

IT support services are a vital component of every organisation. Enterprises today operate in a tech-dominated landscape, and IT support is key to helping them efficiently run their operations. Its primary role is to provide help to businesses that produce, market, and use technology products from phones and computers to hardware and software. That’s about every business out there.

But in the same way that strong IT support can boost an organisation’s capabilities in so many aspects, ineffective support can also cause some grave consequences for the business. Results from a study conducted by UK-based IT services firm A&OA revealed just how important IT support London is to companies.

Four in ten businesses claimed to have lost sales due to the lack of IT support, while 38 percent of the surveyed organisations said that their service provider failed to offer suggestions for system improvements, leading to poor performance. Clearly, IT support in London and elsewhere in the globe has a huge impact on businesses.

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12051 Hits

Data Democratisation - What is It and Why is It Important?

Data Democratisation

In this Information Age, businesses have been inundated with all types of data from various sources—social, machine, and transactional data. Despite the rapidly growing flood of big data however, access to information primarily remains with those who have the technical capability to analyse the data.

Now, as more organisations realise the power of data to transform a business, many have recognised the need to make data more accessible to others. Hence, the conversation on data democratisation. In this post, we discuss what it is and why it could be beneficial to your business, why access to data was previously limited to a select few, and what you can do to implement a data democratisation strategy that equally addresses both risks and benefits.

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  2887 Hits
2887 Hits

Why Hyper-convergence Matters for Businesses of All Sizes

Why Hyperconvergence Matters for Business IT

IT managers never want technology solutions that are more complex than they need to be. At the same time, we also want technology solutions that are easy to scale. Of course, complexity gets in the way of scalability.

The trend towards hyperconvergence solves both issues: complexity and scalability. For many workloads, a hyperconverged approach can make life much easier and save costs at the same time. Read on to find out what exactly hyperconvergence is and how can it benefit your technology environment.

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  3012 Hits
3012 Hits

Six Common IT Mistakes Made by Small Businesses – And How to Avoid Them

Six Common IT Mistakes Made by Small Businesses – And How to Avoid Them

In a tech-first world, even small businesses are highly reliant upon technology to get through the typical business day. Make the wrong decisions around technology, or skimp on IT support services, and it could cost your growing business dearly.

However, with so many things to focus on, growing businesses often leave IT on the backburner – and that leads to mistakes. Here, we list the ten most common IT mistakes growing businesses make – and what they can do about it.

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  2253 Hits
2253 Hits

Why Staff Engagement Is Key to Successful IT Transformation

Why Staff Engagement is Key to Successful IT Transformation

We’re in the midst of a digital transformation wave unlike any we’ve seen in the past – with digital technology transforming companies from the ground up, leaving no aspect of business untouched.

The incredible potential for IT transformation has prompted many companies to take the programme approach, implementing large and wide-reaching IT transformation programmes to harness the power of the current wave of technology. A 2019 study found that 34% of businesses already have a transformation programme in action – with the majority soon to follow.

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3513 Hits