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Proactive IT Support: 7 Ways to Do It

Proactive IT Support

No matter the size or industry, every organisation today should offer IT support services. These services could be for internal customers—employees, or external customers—clients, subscribers, and business partners. With the myriad of software solutions and devices being utilised in the modern work environment, IT support has unquestionably become a vital part of business enterprises.

The fact is, the absence of an IT helpdesk or even just subpar tech support can have far-reaching implications that will eventually outweigh any cost savings a company may enjoy in the interim. For instance, an hour of IT downtime could lead to substantial revenue loss and decreased employee productivity, among other consequences. Now having IT support is one thing. But offering proactive IT support is completely another thing because it elevates your IT services and ensures smoother, more efficient operations.

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  2016 Hits
2016 Hits

The Impact of IoT on IT Infrastructure: Opportunities and Risks

Opportunities and Risks

The Internet of Things (IoT) has so quickly transformed the way we live and work. Billions of devices are connected thanks to IoT technology: these devices actively collect and exchange data – from anywhere in the world.

Smart homes, wearables, industrial sensors… and even connected vehicles, IoT is now integrated into almost every industry and sector. Exponential growth, yes, but with a profound impact on IT infrastructure.

Exciting opportunities often come with significant challenges. In this blog post, we will take a look at the key opportunities companies have when they consider investing in IoT or expanding their use of IoT.

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  1775 Hits
1775 Hits

Cybersecurity Best Practices for IT Support Teams

Cybersecurity Best Practices

There’s no denying that IT support teams are crucial for keeping an organisation’s IT infrastructure such as networks, devices, and data storage running efficiently. Their offered technical assistance is also a service that is valuable for both employees and customers. But with malware threats continuing to rise, the role of IT support services has evolved to more than just ensuring smooth technical operations.

Tech support teams now often function as a business’s first line of defense against cyberattacks. Whether it’s verifying phishing emails, dealing with ransomware attacks, or investigating system vulnerabilities, IT support teams are at the forefront of the enterprise’s IT security.

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  1338 Hits
1338 Hits

Building Resilient IT Systems: Lessons Learned from IT Support Experts

Resilient IT Systems

We know businesses rely on IT systems to get things done – and do so heavily, to the extent that some businesses simply can’t operate without their technology stack. This reliance makes companies vulnerable to disruptions whenever there are things like system failures, cyberattacks, or even simple human IT errors.

Any disruptions mean big financial losses, damage to reputation and so forth. That’s why companies need resilient IT that is designed to withstand and recover quickly from disruptions, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.

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  1022 Hits
1022 Hits

Optimising IT Service Desk for Efficient IT Support Delivery

Optimising IT Service Desk

In today's fast-paced business environment, the IT service desk could be the determining factor that can elevate good service to great. Acting as the main interface between the IT organisation and employees and/or users, the service desk or IT helpdesk handles everything—from incident management to service requests and change coordination.

Merely having an IT service desk is not enough, however. Your organisation also needs to optimise service operations to ensure seamless IT support. This blog post aims to illustrate how enterprises can transform their IT help desks into effective centres of support and innovation. We explore various strategies that can aid in streamlining processes, boosting response times, and improving general IT service quality.

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  1045 Hits
1045 Hits

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in IT Support

AI in IT Support

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was just a sci-fi concept, and it really wasn’t that long ago. Today AI is rooted in our every day lives. After all we’re seeing how AI is transforming industries across the board.

We can see a clear area in which AI is making a lot of difference: that’s in IT support. Integrating AI-powered tools and systems can change so much about how companies and their support partners deliver technical assistance. That means we can look at using our new intelligent friends to do things like enhancing support efficiency, while improving the ability of It support people to solve problems. In the end to go on and to build up to a better user experience.

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  1493 Hits
1493 Hits

Managed IT Services vs. Break-Fix Solutions: What's Best for Your Business?

Managed IT Services VS Breakfix

Technology is the lifeblood of your businesses. Today, technology powers everything from every business communication right through to the core of your marketing, sales and operations.

Ensuring the smooth functioning of your IT infrastructure? It’s critical, but fraught with choices. One of these is choosing between managed IT services or the traditional break-fix approach.

Understanding the nuances of these two options is important: both models have characteristics that are essential to grasp if you want to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals, budget, and risk tolerance.

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  1213 Hits
1213 Hits

Merging IT Support with Cybersecurity: Strengthening Your First Line of Defence

IT Support with Cybersecurity

The sweeping adoption of technology has paved the way for the rapid escalation of cyber threats. From small businesses to large corporations, no organisation is immune to the dangers of IT security attacks. In the UK alone, there have been 9,478 publicly disclosed data breach incidents involving almost thirty-six million records from January to April of this year. Cybercrimes like these could result in devastating financial losses and reputational damage. They could even target critical infrastructure and endanger a country’s key utility systems.

And make no mistake; cyber criminals are continuing to refine their tactics in order to gain larger financial rewards. This is why all aspects of a company’s operations should be equipped with the right defences to combat against evolving threats. Traditional IT support, for one, is not enough to prevent attacks, especially given threat actors’ advanced methods of exploiting vulnerabilities. Instead, a more holistic approach—integrating IT support with cybersecurity—is essential to create a robust first line of defence.

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  1458 Hits
1458 Hits

How Managed IT Services Are Shaping the Future of Support

Managed IT Services

Organisations, both large and small, are facing various challenges in today’s business landscape: there’s the rising complexity of cloud environments, rapidly advancing technology solutions, the perennial cybersecurity threat, tightening compliance requirements, expanding remote workforce, and more. It’s not surprising that more businesses are turning to managed IT services, with SMEs allocating about 19% of their budget to managed IT services.

Having a managed services provider (MSP) handle IT services indicates a significant shift in how SMEs are handling business operations. Not only do companies get to cut IT costs by 25 to 35%, they also realise a 45 to 65% increase in operational efficiency.

If your organisation is still on the fence about acquiring the services of MSPs, outsourcing your IT support can be a good start. In this blog post, we explore how managed IT services are paving the way for effective, scalable, and readily-available tech support services.

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  1541 Hits
1541 Hits

IT Support: The Unsung Hero for Remote Work Transition?

IT Support for Remote Work

Remote work, once a niche concept, exploded in popularity in recent years; and with a particularly big bang after COVID 19. Many of the technological advancements such as email and the internet have been around for decades, but we’ve seen a substantial acceleration in recent years which finally took away many of the biggest hurdles.

While this shift offers flexibility and very many benefits to both employers and employees, it's not without its hurdles. Remote working is popular with employees, but employers often grapple with maintaining productivity. Ensuring data security, and fostering collaboration are also concerns.

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  1207 Hits
1207 Hits

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