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How VDI Technology Helps in Remote Work Environments


The brunt of COVID19 has come and gone, but some adaptive approaches implemented at the height of the pandemic remain in its aftermath. Responding to employees’ preference of working from anywhere, many organisations are continuing remote work and/or hybrid work arrangements for suitable roles and duties. Remote IT support for instance, is one service that can be performed optimally with the right tools and solutions. 

Whether for IT support or other departments, the remote work setup has been a welcome move for many employees. But it has also opened up many challenges for IT teams, particularly in the area of cyber security. To address these concerns, enterprises have turned to a proven reliable solution for secure remote work: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI. VDI allows offsite employees to access a virtual desktop environment hosted on a centralised server. This is a more secure alternative than storing data on individual devices, thus keeping sensitive information off personal laptops and desktops.

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  2127 Hits
2127 Hits

Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing and How to Leverage Them

Cloud Trends

To say that cloud computing is a game changer is a gross understatement. It has transformed the way organisations consume technology, allowing businesses to acquire cost-effective resources on demand—from ‘access anywhere’ storage to virtualised computing hardware. Cloud solutions have also upended traditional workplace practices in favour of a distributed workforce and real-time online collaboration.

The cloud has indeed significantly impacted the way technology has evolved over the years but it isn’t quite done yet. Today’s revolutionary tech trends are largely driven by cloud computing and, with hardware and software procurement made faster, it’s easier for enterprises to deploy new cloud services and tools that can help with their business needs.

All that said, we discuss in this post what the latest trends and technologies in cloud computing are and how you as an organisation can leverage these for your business.

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  1923 Hits
1923 Hits

The Rise of Desktop-as-a-Service: What Is It and Why Would You Need It?

The Rise of Desktop-as-a-Service

The widespread adoption of cloud computing has added a lot of acronyms into our vocabulary, the most common of which are SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Indeed, the era has ushered in cloud solutions that deliver software, platform, and infrastructure to consumers and businesses on an on-demand, pay-as-you-go basis.

Now here’s an added cloud computing offering (and another acronym) that you may not be as familiar with but one that many organisations are already benefiting from: Desktop-as-a-Service or DaaS.

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2376 Hits

How to Leverage Big Data in Small Businesses

How to Leverage Big Data in Small Businesses

Few can dispute the importance of data in the success of any enterprise. As we enter a data-driven environment in the modern workplace, data has become a key factor in practically every aspect of business operations, including manufacturing and production, sales and marketing, human resources, and the decision making of business leaders.

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2567 Hits

8 Steps to Help Remote Workers Collaborate Better

8 Steps to Help Remote Workers Collaborate  Better

Working remotely is an increasing trend, with many enterprises tapping into the cost-saving benefits of remote working while employees enjoy the freedom that remote working brings. That said, remote working is still evolving, and in most companies, there is room for improvement.

According to an HR News survey, 53% of UK employees do not think that their employers are doing enough to accommodate the needs of remote workers. The solution lies partly in the managerial approach, and in part in the deployment of technology. In this article, we will cover eight tech-led approaches that can boost the collaborative experience for remote workers.

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  2934 Hits
2934 Hits

Here’s How Cloud Infrastructures Improve Time-To-Market

Achieve faster time to market through Cloud Solutions

Unless your product AND marketing strategies are really exceptional, it’s normally harder to grab mind and market share if competing products have already established themselves earlier. That’s why time-to-market is crucial. It enables you to reach customers ahead of your competitors. In this post, we explain how you can achieve faster time-to-market through cloud solutions.

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  3854 Hits
3854 Hits

Virtualising Your Servers: Benefits, Advantages and Savings

Virtualising Your Servers

Server virtualisation has been a viable IT strategy for some time. Virtualisation has its origins as a technical concept in the 1960s, but it is more recently that the virtualisation of servers has become commonplace, and it is a matter of priority for many IT managers: the 2017 Spiceworks State of IT survey suggests virtualisation is at the top of the list for software investment. The reason for this is simple: by making use of virtual server hosting UK companies are saving on expenditure and seeing the implementation and management of software applications becoming much more flexible.

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  4242 Hits
4242 Hits

Why Cloud Computing Saves You Money

Why Cloud Computing Saves You Money

The prevalence of cloud computing is continuing to grow dramatically – the Synergy Research Group reports that cloud computing revenues grew 25% across 2016. In fact, throughout last year several information technology sectors started to see the dominance of cloud technology as a delivery method for technology services. The reason for this is simple: cloud computing makes good business sense and it is often cost savings that are the major driving force.

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3861 Hits

Understanding the Business Benefits of Moving To Hosted Desktop

Benefits of Hosted Desktop

The ever growing number of personal computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets in the enterprise can present serious challenges in costs, maintenance, security, compliance, and productivity. But many of these challenges can now be addressed by employing hosted desktop. You may not be aware of them yet but there are actually several business benefits of moving toa hosted desktop. Here are some of them.

Saves hardware, power, and maintenance costs

Just like many cloud solutions, hosted desktop enable you to save on hardware costs. Instead of using desktop computers in your offices, you can use thin clients instead. These are lightweight machines that don’t require certain built-in components like hard disks, CPUs, or RAM. That means, they’re substantially cheaper than the average desktop computer.

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  5476 Hits
5476 Hits

7 Signs Your Company Is Ready for Cloud Migration

7 Signs Your Company Is Ready For Cloud Migration

While there may be a few businesses that don’t need to embark on cloud migration, they’re really more the exceptions than the rule. If you’re still pondering on whether it’s already time to move to the cloud, here are some tell-tale signs your company is ready for it.

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  4365 Hits
4365 Hits