HTL Support News

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Data Retention Regs

From: By: By Tom Espiner ,,

Internet service providers will have to retain details of internet communications, including email, under UK law which came into force on Monday.

The Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 require service providers to retain details of user internet access, email and internet telephony for 12 months. ISPs must also be able to respond to access requests by law enforcement and other designated authorities.

Data Retention and Open Wifi

Published in Data Retention Regs

From Francis Davey :

The Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 came into force yesterday (6 April 2009). A frequently asked question is: "I run an open wifi network will I have to log user's data?"

Do I need to retain data?

At first sight you would appear to be quite safe because the regulations do not apply to everyone. Check out regulation 10(1):

10.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to a public communications provider unless the provider is given a notice in writing by the Secretary of State in accordance with this regulation.

From: By David Meyer (@superglaze), ZDNet UK

A pub owner has been fined £8,000 because someone unlawfully downloaded copyrighted material over their open Wi-Fi hotspot, according to the managing director of hotspot provider The Cloud.

Graham Cove told ZDNet UK on Friday he believes the case to be the first of its kind in the UK. However, he would not identify the pub concerned, because its owner — a pubco that is a client of The Cloud's— had not yet given their permission for the case to be publicised.

Cove would say only that the fine had been levied in a civil case, brought about by a rights holder, "sometime this summer". The Cloud's pubco clients include Fullers, Greene King, Marsdens, Scottish & Newcastle, Mitchell & Butlers and Punch Taverns.
