IT Support, Case Study
IT Support & Strategy plc
IT Support & Strategy
Remote & Telephone Support
7am – 7pm Monday-Friday
As a pre-requisite for all maintenance contracts, require remote access to the office network. This allows technicians to access the server remotely stopping the traditional problem of miscommunication over the phone.
Remote Support technicians can actually view the user’s screen from our own technical support rooms. can also manipulate the terminal as a user would to fully understand all issues in place. This all makes the reality of support a lot easier for both sides by limiting the need for technical assistance on-site and the full communication of problems.
Telephone Support have a team of technicians ready to answer any immediate queries or issues that you may have. There are no call queues and you will always speak to a person not a machine. If the relevant technician is unavailable, a message will be taken and they will return the call as soon as they are available.
Email submission For issues that are not requiring immediate resolution but more a long term requirement with a future deadline, can send an email which will be prioritised accordingly.