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5 Ways to Leverage AI and Cloud Services for Business

Leverage AI and Cloud

Among the key technologies pushing businesses forward today are artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. The numbers back this up. AI, for instance, is projected to be a mind-boggling $407-billion dollar industry by 2027, growing at a projected compound annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. Cloud services, in the meantime, continue their steady rise, with Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) forecast to show the highest end-user spending growth for this year.

The high adoption rates for these two industries are certainly not out of coincidence or sheer luck. Since cloud computing gained significant traction and became mainstream in the late 2000s, it has served as a huge driver of change in how organisations do business. The entry of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms have only served to enhance the cloud’s adaptability and its capability to leverage data.

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  2629 Hits
2629 Hits

What's next for the Established Productivity Leader – Office 365?

What's next for the established productivity leader – Office 365

Not that long ago, countless businesses were hotly debating whether to adopt Microsoft’s cloud productivity suite – Office 365 – thereby shifting their on-premise solutions to the cloud.

Today, cloud productivity suites are essentially the accepted route unless a business has very specific reasons to host its data locally – compliance or regulatory obstacles, for example. But Microsoft Office 365 is still a hot topic simply because the cloud productivity solution changes so rapidly.

It’s worth keeping an eye on what’s changed in Microsoft Office 365 because businesses can easily get caught out by features that are mothballed while missing out on new benefits. In this article, we take a look at the most recent updates to Office 365.

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  2380 Hits
2380 Hits

8 Steps to Help Remote Workers Collaborate Better

8 Steps to Help Remote Workers Collaborate  Better

Working remotely is an increasing trend, with many enterprises tapping into the cost-saving benefits of remote working while employees enjoy the freedom that remote working brings. That said, remote working is still evolving, and in most companies, there is room for improvement.

According to an HR News survey, 53% of UK employees do not think that their employers are doing enough to accommodate the needs of remote workers. The solution lies partly in the managerial approach, and in part in the deployment of technology. In this article, we will cover eight tech-led approaches that can boost the collaborative experience for remote workers.

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  2938 Hits
2938 Hits

5 Office 365 Features That Can Help You Maintain GDPR Compliance

5 Office 365 Features That Can Help You Maintain GDPR Compliance

We all witnessed the flurry of activity that led up to May 25, 2018; the date on which GDPR became enforceable. Organisations and businesses of all types made a gargantuan effort to ensure compliance. However, GDPR compliance is not a one-off effort.

GDPR compliance involves ongoing, but difficult to enforce, habits covering the responsible use and the protection of your customer data. Most resource-pressed businesses will benefit from whatever resources are available. Enter Office 365.

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  3227 Hits
3227 Hits

5 Things You Need to Understand About Cloud Security

5 Things You Need to Understand About Cloud Security

Although cloud security is often brought up as a major issue in cloud adoption discussions, there still remain a few misconceptions that need to be corrected and clarified. In order for businesses to make the right steps in securing their cloud-based digital assets, they need to distinguish the myths from the facts. This blog post can help in that regard.

These are some of the basic things you need to understand about cloud security.

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  3527 Hits
3527 Hits

The Cloud: Who Controls Your Data, And Where Is It Stored?

The Cloud: Who Controls Your Data, And Where Is It Stored?

Most businesses make use of cloud services to some degree. Whether it is occasionally dipping into a SaaS application when required or relying on cloud based services for all your computing and storage needs, there is almost always some of your private business data stored in the cloud. This raises questions around who holds ultimate control of data, and the storage location of your data. Surveys illustrate the level of concern: the 2017 McAfee State of The Cloud Survey underlines how only 23% of respondents fully trust public cloud providers to keep their data secure.

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  5870 Hits
5870 Hits