INC Group is a well known and popular chain of over 20 quality restaurants and bars throughout London. Their range of venues vary from fine dining to easy drinking, from quick meals to elegant corporate events.
INC Group recognised the customers' demand for Free WiFi and were also keen to attract customers during quieter times. The range of products on the market tended to be costly and offered no real tangible benefit other than the WiFi offering itself.
They approached HTL WiFi, looking for a better solution. They required the system to be legally compliant, presented in the groups branding and with the ability carry their advertising.
The HTL WiFi System met the requirements perfectly and the roll out of WiFi HotSpots
to all their venues began in November 2010.
Why HTL WiFi?
"HTl WIFi offered us something that no other vendor could" said Asif Piracha, group head of finance "We collect the email addresses of the customers that use the system. In just two months we have almost 2000 addresses, and our marketing team use these to send our email newsletters each month. It's a great way of keeping in touch with the customers"
Justin Dean, HTL WiFi Director, said "Its wonderful to see the INC Group come on board. They are a prestigious company, and we are very proud to be working with them. We have gone to great lengths to ensure our system is the most competitive on the market and it's very positive for us to receive such feedback"
You can now find Free WiFi at the following venues, with the other INC Group venues coming online soon:
Free WiFi in Greenwich
- Greenwich Park Bar & Grill
- Bar Du Musee
- Trafalgar Tavern
Free WiFi At the O2
- Union Square
- American Bar and Grill
Free WiFi in Canary Wharf
- Tompkins
- Battery
To use any INC Group WiFi HotSpot you will first need to create a Free account on their WiFi gateway.

HTL WiFi is based in Canary Wharf, London, and offers provides private HotSpot solutions to cafés, bars and restaurants nationwide.
Additional Info
- Page Title: INC Group - London's leading restaurant chain offer Free WiFi